Heir of Fire
YA / October 5, 2020

Holy gods! So much happens in this book! Celaena grows as a person and into her powers and birthright. She makes some powerful allies in Prince Rowan and his cadre. Unfortunately, she also realizes while she loves her captain, Chaol, she can no longer be with him. I think part of her realizes this after being around the fae and knowing deep down that he is not her mate nor is he willing to accept her fae heritage. She overcomes some ver...

Crown of Midnight
YA / September 26, 2020

I found myself wanting to pick up the next book in the series after finishing Throne of Glass because I was looking forward to what mischief Celaena would find herself drawn to. I was not disappointed. This book continues her investigating and attempts to unravel the mysteries around her while trying to cover her tracks and remain true to herself. This one has a little more action thrown into the mix and we find out more about Celaena, ...

Throne of Glass
YA / September 13, 2020

Looking for another fantasy series with a strong female lead? Look no further than Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas as she creates another magnificent world around an infamous female assassin, Celaena Sardothian, who perseveres through every obstacle thrown her way. She repeats her mantra, “I will not be afraid” which got her through a year of slavery as she starts investigating some evil forces lurking in the castle while c...

The Alpha’s Breeder
Romance / September 5, 2020

Guys, despite the odd title, this supernatural romance sucked me in so quickly. I devoured it in like four hours even with taking breaks to fold laundry. Yes, I occasionally have to adult…unfortunately. It was an easy read with a lot of action as well as romance and some steamy bits, too. Our leading lady, Emira, is thirty years old but has stopped aging at eighteen. She decides to study the sciences to try to learn why, and in th...

Science-Fiction / August 31, 2020

If you can hang in there through the slow beginning and all the flashbacks, this science fiction book is worth reading. This book has it all: mystery, suspense, love, loss, and a huge plot twist. Some plot twists you can see coming as I did this one, but I did not see the full extent of this one. I merely saw the tip of the iceberg so to speak. At first I thought I would not recommend this book to anyone because of the slow beginning an...

WOW! I have been busy!
Account from Author / August 31, 2020

You all know from my last post that I have been working two jobs. I am not sure, however, if I clarified that I was working two jobs in one day. That’s right. I was getting off from my main job at the hospital then clocking into my next job not even 30 minutes later. Recently, I left that secondary job in favor of another secondary job at another hospital nearby. So yes, I’m technically still working two jobs, but I’ll only be wor...

The Girl with the Zebra Leg
Non-fiction / August 31, 2020

Hold on to your seat and tissues because Lynette’s autobiography is powerful and moving. During this book, I have cried from sorrow and also from laughter. The amount of trials and suffering Lynette and her whole family have gone through is of biblical proportions. A weaker woman or family would not have been able to weather these storms. However, with God, the Johnsons and Granny and Pappy found all things were possible through H...

YA / July 19, 2020

I was not thrilled when I first started this book because although it clearly states it’s not the same as the fairytale we all know, I was still shocked by the many character differences. However, the more I read, the more I just didn’t want to stop reading. I like the different, more realistic family dynamic she’s given Cinderella. It’s not a tale of a wicked step mother and sisters who come to sabotage her life...

A Court of Thorns and Roses
YA / July 13, 2020

I don’t know if I can truly do this book justice. This series has become a favorite of mine along with this author. I don’t say that lightly, but I find myself coming back to these books over and again. I’ve just finished this particular series of hers for the 3rd time at a minimum. Each time I reread it, I fall in love with the characters all over again and find myself devouring the books every chance I get. I love th...

Milk in My Coffee
Romance / July 6, 2020

This romance novel was a little different for me as it was written by a man. In fact, unintentionally, most of the books I’ve read have been by female authors probably due to my favorite genre including a strong female lead. However, I am hoping to continue to broaden my point of views and genres. This story, primarily about Jordan and Kimberly, has a lot of depth and a lot of real world problems such as childhood bullying that ha...